Trifluralin standard solution,1000ug/ml in Methanol, 1ml
Trifluralin standard solution,1000ug/ml in Methanol, 2ml
Potassium carbonate solution,3% (w/v) in H2O, 1L
Potassium carbonate solution,50% w/w in H2O, 1L
Metribuzin standard solution,1000ug/ml in Purge and Trap Methanol, 1ml
Myclobutanil,10mM in DMSO, 1ml
Bromodichloromethane standard solution,2000μg/mL in Purge and Trap Methanol, 1ml
phenyl Solution,35μg/mL in Isooctane, 1ml
phenyl Solution,100μg/mL in Isooctane, 1ml
β-Endosulfan solution,1000μg/mL in Purge and Trap Methanol, 1ml
Chlorothalonil solution,100μg/mL in Hexane, uncertainty 3%, 1.2ml